File exported in different format became a folder instead of a file


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have been using an old drawing program, Intaglio. My wife, especially, has created a large number of drawings, saved as a .intaglio file. The program is no longer supported so we have realized we will need to move on. So in my case, I exported all my .intaglio drawings as .svg files so that other programs have a chance at opening them, and in some cases I had exported some of hers the same way. So today I started to tackle the rest of hers. I find one of her .intaglio files, open it in Intaglio, and then export it back to the same location as a .svg file. That had been working well for many. But then I ran across some that after exporting become a folder rather than a file and I can't discover why. I have stared at information windows (command I) on ones that work correctly and ones that don't to compare and can't spot a difference. I have done the same for the folders which they reside in and again, can't spot a difference. And it isn't some setting that got changed while I worked. If I skip the troublesome files and move on, I come across others that export just perfectly.

Where do I look to learn how a file can become a folder? (Incidentally, the resulting folder contains the file I expected as well as a pdf with an odd numerical file name. I guess I should look at one of those...)


Well-Known Member
Solved (sort of). In some of the drawings my wife was working on, apparently she dragged in either a small item in PDF format or sometimes a small image in JPEG format as part of the page. The export to a .svg file then seems to "throw up its hands" and instead creates a folder and inside that is a .svg file (that usually is pretty useless) and also either a PDF or JPEG file with an odd numerical filename, representing the errant bit she added to the drawing. So she is kinda out of luck going forward other than recovering the PDF or JPEG part if she cared to.

As to a drawing program to replace Intaglio, I first looked at SimpleCad2 but it looks pretty complicated for the kind of drawings she does. Today I had a look at EazyDraw and it is more to my wife's tastes so we may go with that one. And it seems to get updates and will run on an M2 Mac without needing Rosetta.