Please Read — Forum Guidelines


Staff member
[This note will be deleted once this post is completed — Please note that this post is currently a work in progress. The spirit of the forum rules are derived from our current Listserv rules, but will be updated to reflect the functionality of the forum.]


The purpose of the Forum and CONTENT RULES

  • 1 — About the VMUG Forum
    2 — Content Rules
    3 — Format Rules
    4 — Procedures for dealing with contravention of the rules
    5 — Problems

The purpose of the VMUG Computer Society, and therefore the VMUG listserv, is to share information, resources and enthusiasm about Apple Macintosh computers and related computer products. These rules are meant to facilitate that purpose. Membership in the listserv is a privilege of membership in VMUG. Failure to comply with its rules can result in the loss of that privilege.

No flaming. This includes rudeness, derogatory personal remarks (either directly to or about a member) or any remarks that could be considered inappropriate in polite company (e.g., sexist, racist, profane, etc.).
No messages that appear to be argumentative or confrontational. If you would like an opinion on a subject, you can post the request to the listserv, but the discussion must continue through private group email.
No off-topic posts. This listserv has a stated purpose, and posts must fit that purpose.
No messages containing blatant commercial advertising. If there is a commercial opportunity, i.e.: special promotion, that would be of interest to the members, a short, to-the-point post with a reference to a web site would be appropriate.
Announcements of personal sales of used equipment (Mac related) ARE permissible.
No complaints about a member’s listserv behaviour. These must be made to the executive at
Messages to the Listserv are considered private and exclusive to the Listserv membership. Under no circumstances may content be forwarded out of the Listserv or member email addresses disclosed without prior permission of the original poster.

No attachments including vcards (.vcf).
Plain text messages only, no ‘styled’ text or HTML. This includes bolding, underlining and large fonts.
Messages should feature a subject relating to the body of the message.
Replies to messages should include only the relevant portions of the original. They should not include any signatures or list trailer messages.
Message size is restricted to 10k.

The executive will use three levels of intervention when there is a problem with a member contravening the rules of the listserv:

If a member sends a post to the listserv that is deemed to contravene the above rules, that member will be informed of the complaint and the executive decision to intervene and put on moderated status for a period of one week or until the moderator is satisfied that the member has cleaned up their emails.
If after being returned to unmoderated status that member again contravenes the rules, the member will be informed that this is their second contravention of the rules and will be suspended from list privileges for a period not to exceed 30 days and will then be placed on moderated status as in guideline number 1.
If after having their list privileges reinstated a member contravenes the rules for a third time, they will be removed from the list permanently without notice. Removal from the listserv does not constitute loss of membership in VMUG.
A complaint about a member’s conduct can come from any member, including an executive member; must be accompanied by the offending email; and must be received by the executive within a reasonable time. The complaint is to be made to
The complaint will be voted on by the directors on the executive listserv. If at least 3 of the 5 directors agree that a rule has been broken, the above steps will be taken.

Since we are asking that most of the responses to questions on the listserv be made to private email addresses, we feel an obligation to the members to extend these rules to any email transaction between members that began on the listserv. In other words, if a member starts to be rude through the personal email (not on the listserv) in response to a question from the listserv, the above rules and consequences will apply.

Not withstanding the above guidelines, the list administrator/moderator may, at any time and at his or her discretion, place the entire list or any individual member(s) on temporary moderated status to allow time for a matter to be referred to the executive for adjudication.

The executive reserves the right to modify these rules and procedures when necessary.

Send To:
Subject: related to your problem
Body: Give as much detail as you can and say who you are.
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