Receiving emails (spam) not to my address


Well-Known Member
You can swipe gently to the left on an offending email, touch the "More" option, then move it to Junk. Future emails from that address will automatically be moved to Junk.

The main way to prevent spam email is to stop giving out your preferred email to anyone you don't actually know. Have a second email that is given out to anyone not in the friends/family sphere.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chas, I’ll continue to add to my junk folder. I was just curious how a address can arrive into my address. I do have several accounts. I appreciate your reply.


Well-Known Member
I can explain how you're getting those emails: in the BCC field (which only the sender can see) are every variation on stewartdawn56@ you can think of -- all the major email providers. So the spammer sent out copies to every possible provider, and since your correct address was in the BCC field, you got a copy too.