Trouble finding actual location of a file once found in Spotlight


Well-Known Member
I used to be able to do this. But now I am in Ventura (13.2.1) and it doesn't seem to work for me. I use Spotlight to find a file. Then I want to find the actual location of that file on my Mac. I click on the search result to select it and it immediately opens the file, and the search box closes so it doesn't give me a chance to find where it is located. Various Apple (and other) support documents say to "select" the file and then press the Command key, but it is gone long before I get a chance. Another article suggested to use the arrow keys to select the search result (which does work for me) and then press the Command key but that does nothing. Fortunately I have an ancient copy of EasyFind which let me find the file this time, but I would love to know how to do it in Spotlight. Does anyone else on 13.2.1 have a better experience?