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VMUG: Victoria Mac Users Group


VMUG is a non-profit group dedicated to the Apple Macintosh, iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch. We have an enthusiastic and dedicated membership over 200 strong—made up of all ages—many of whom come together monthly to learn about Apple matters new and old.

With modest annual membership fees, the Victoria Macintosh Users Group is Victoria’s favourite meeting place for anyone interested in learning  and sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for the Apple platform. 

Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events

Meetings are held online via Zoom.

Members receive an email with details on how to attend the Zoom meeting prior to the meeting date.

Zoom meeting details are also available in the Members Only section of the VMUG Forum.

Monthly General Meetings

Regular Monthly Zoom Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month. It’s free with Annual or Introductory membership. 

Enjoy tips and tricks, business meeting, a Feature Presentation, Mini Presentation and a Q&A session. Meet other people from novices to experts, with a common interest in using Macs and learn from each other as well as from the expert presenters.

Special Interest Groups


Novice SIG meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month.

The SIG by the Sea (Sidney), which meets on the fourth Saturday of every month at 10:30 a.m.

Prize Draws 


Twice a year VMUG holds MEMBERS ONLY ticket draws. The prizes offered are Apple products such as iPads, Apple Watches, iPhones and more.

Members’ Discussion Forum

A MEMBERS ONLY discussion forum. Ask questions, give advice, discuss anything related to Apple products. Our experts are always available to help with problems and to offer suggestions on how to resolve even the most troubling issues.

About Us

VMUG is a group of people who own or are interested in Apple Products. We meet once a month to talk and learn about the latest Apple news and getting the most out of our devices


Share and learn information about Apple products. Our experts are there to answer questions, and keep us up to date.

Attend SIGs

Our Special Interest Groups, Sidney SIG, and Novice SIG provide presentations and discussions designed to need the needs of each group.

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