Victoria Mac Users Group
VMUG Policies
The VMUG newsletter, MACtalk, is a monthly publication of the VMUG Computer Society (Victoria Macintosh Users Group) and is distributed free to all members. The contents of the VMUG newsletter are Copyright© by the VMUG Computer Society except articles reprinted which have their own respective copyright holders. Other Macintosh User Groups may reproduce VMUG copyrighted articles provided full credit is given to the author(s) and VMUG.
The VMUG newsletter is an independent publication not affiliated or otherwise associated with or sponsored or sanctioned by Apple Computer, Inc. or Apple Canada Inc. The opinions, statements, positions, and views stated herein are those of the author(s) or publisher and are not intended to be the opinions, statements, positions or views of Apple Computer, Inc. or Apple Canada Inc.
Product names mentioned in this publication may be copyrights© or trademarks registered or otherwise (® ™) owned or licensed by their respective companies. In particular, Apple™, Macintosh®, LaserWriter® and Mac® are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
VMUG encourages submissions for publication on any subject related to Macintosh computing. Articles will be accepted on-line by emailing attachments to the editor (editor@vmug.bc.ca). Acceptable word processing file formats include those saved as Pages, MS Word or RTF or ASCII text files, but also include TextEdit. Articles and advertising received after publication deadlines will be included in the next issue.
The Victoria Macintosh User Group is an informal group of people who share an interest in the Apple Macintosh family of computers. Membership is open to all: Individual $35, Family $45, and Corporate/Institution $60 per year. Membership includes one vote per membership, access to VMUG monthly meetings and sponsored SIGs, VMUG Public Domain Software, the VMUG newsletter, MACtalk.
VMUG does not condone in any way, the illegal copying or distribution of copyrighted software and will not tolerate such activities at any user group function.
Direct all correspondence to:
Victoria Macintosh Users Group,
7:00 to 9:00PM
usually on the 2nd Wed. of each month
Website design by Blue Heron Web Designs