May's Intermediate Sig Topic

Pat McB

Well-Known Member
Hi there,

Just a reminder of the Intermediate SiG Tuesday May 24th at 7:30 in theCB55+ room of Cordova Bay School.

Chas is not teaching it, but among the points that will be covered in some fashion will be a primer on how to have your carrier unlock your smartphone so that you can use foreign SIMs in it when away (MUCH cheaper than roaming packages), some handy travel sites and trip-coordinating apps, and determining how much gear you “need” to bring with you. There will likely also be a bit about using VPNs to protect yourself when on foreign Wi-Fi networks.

The cost will be $4.00 for members and an additional $5.00 for guests. If a guest chooses to join the club the $5.00 will go towards the cost of the yearly membership cost of $35.00 for individuals or $40.00 for families.

Sincerely, Pat