

Well-Known Member
Morning All: Could someone help me with a question re the forum versus the listserve? Before the forum came along we would communicate through the listserve via email, correct? I switched over to the forum right away and find it great with lots of help from you all. But my confusion/question comes from the fact that I still get lots of emails as well, don't mind at all, they are very informative and I learn something new everyday. So my question I guess is, is the listverve still in use and how would I access that as another way to learn and participate. Thanks Donna


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that the emails I get are not on the forum that I can tell, so they seem to be two different/separate entities, with completely different topics etc. Donna


Well-Known Member
Both the listserve and the forums co-exist. You can use one or the other or both.

You are correct that the listserve is used via email whereas the forum is used via a web browser.

If you are still receiving emails from the listserv then you must be set up to continue using it. To post an email to the listserve you send it to using the same email account to which you are receiving emails from the listserv.

Your observation that there are different discussions on the two facilities is correct. Some people prefer the listserv and only post there while others post to the forums and some will post a query to both at the same time to make sure it is seen by all.

One of the huge advantages of the forums is that you can post screenshots or other images there, whereas you can't post images on the listserv. This is very helpful when you are having a strange problem and want to show just what you are seeing (an error dialog box, a window of your settings for example.) It makes it much easier for someone trying to respond to your issue to know exactly what you are seeing.

Also you can be overrun with emails from the listserv, often about topics in which you might have no interest. The forums allow you to select ONLY the topics that are of interest at this time. And you can pick the time of day when you want to visit the forums, and not be distracted by a trickle of emails coming in at all times of the day.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't have said it better myself, Dave

The VMUG Exec's position is that members should transition to the forum, since it has so many advantages (some of which are listed in the message above) and because the forum is under our control (the email listserv is not, in terms of hosting it). However, we don't want to force anyone to make a change in the short term, and thus we'll keep the listserv running as long as there is demand for it, and as we can (this is not up to us, and that's one of the reasons we encourage members to migrate here).

There is actually a fair amount of "overlap" between the two, at least in terms of questions. When someone has an issue, it is best to ask it here as well as on the listserv in order to reap the highest number of answers.



Well-Known Member
Thanks to Dave and Chas for clearing that up for me. One day I may even learn how to post a pic on it! But don't hold your breath! lol Thanks Donna


Well-Known Member
For those wishing to know how to attach a file (eg a photo) to a post in a forum have a look in the very top heading: "How to use the forum" and once there look for an excellent article from Terry Findlay dated Nov. 24, 2015 "Attaching files to your post".