Back Issue – January 2022

Network Time Machine Backups: Moving on from the Time Capsule
MacTalkFebruary 2022Network Time Machine Backups: Moving on from the Time CapsuleIVAN DRUCKER 14 January 202293 comments Since its introduction in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, Apple’s Time Machine has become one of the Mac’s most essential features, providing...
New Members
MacTalkJanuary 2022New MembersSusi MerchantContents Click for special offers to Mac Users Groups members.Website design by Blue Heron Web DesignsClick the image for information about advertising on this website.
USBefuddled: Untangling the Rat’s Nest of USB-C Standards and Cables
MacTalkJanuary 2022USBefuddled: Untangling the Rat’s Nest of USB-C Standards and CablesGLENN FLEISHMAN 3 December 202154 comments It USB’d to be easy. Pardon the pun, but you know what I mean. USB used to mean one kind of connector for a computer: Type-A, which...
Reflections on a Year with HomeKit
MacTalkJanuary 2022Reflections on a Year with HomeKitADAM ENGST 17 December 202122 comments Last year, I added more devices to our HomeKit setup with the Meross Smart WiFi Plug Mini outlets (as cheap as $10 each at Amazon, with a $5-off coupon if you click a...
Reduce Distractions with Notification Summaries
MacTalkJanuary 2022Reduce Distractions with Notification SummariesJOSH CENTERS 20 December 2021No comments Do you find yourself continually pinged and buzzed by iPhone apps that just have to notify you of something? If that annoys you—but you do want to see...
iOS Music and iTunes Store Apps Stumble over Deleted Tracks
MacTalkJanuary 2022iOS Music and iTunes Store Apps Stumble over Deleted TracksDAVID C. 17 December 202124 comments Call me unusual, but I don’t keep any music on my iPhone—I have an iPod touch for that. In the not-too-distant past, the Music app on my iPhone...
Browse the Web from Your Wrist with µBrowser
MacTalkJanuary 2022Browse the Web from Your Wrist with µBrowserJOSH CENTERS 12 December 20212 comments Have you ever looked down at your Apple Watch and thought, “I wish I could browse the Web from my wrist!” OK, probably not. But now you can anyway, thanks to the...
A Quick Primer on Time Sensitive Notifications
MacTalkJanuary 2022A Quick Primer on Time Sensitive Notifications JOSH CENTERS 13 December 20218 comments Over the years, our devices have gotten noisy—we’re under a constant barrage of distracting notifications. That’s why Apple has introduced two features...