Would like to know what is happening here.
Last night, an email was sent out to a group of about 70; it had an 8-page PDF attached.
It was sent from my iCloud address.
One chap asked me to re-send using my Shaw email address and I have done so.
So far, no response has been received.
One responder included this notice --
Last night, an email was sent out to a group of about 70; it had an 8-page PDF attached.
It was sent from my iCloud address.
One chap asked me to re-send using my Shaw email address and I have done so.
So far, no response has been received.
One responder included this notice --
Downloading this attachment is disabled.
This email has been identified as phishing. If you want to download it and you trust this message, click "Looks safe" in the banner above."Thanks,