
Back Issue – July 2023

New Members

MacTalkJuly 2023 2 new members joined in June - Denis Brisson Greg Michaux Contents Click for special offers to Mac Users Groups members.Website design by Blue Heron Web DesignsClick the image for information about advertising on this...

Apple Vision Pro Evokes Deep Ambivalence

MacTalkJuly 2023 ADAM ENGST 12 June 202367 comments Apple Vision Pro Evokes Deep Ambivalence I’m 55, and I’ve been covering Apple for over 33 years. There are ways in which I’ve become jaded, and my opinions about some things have evolved with observation and analysis...

Beware of Siri Creating Alarms Instead of Timers

MacTalkJuly 2023ADAM ENGST 13 June 202317 comments Beware of Siri Creating Alarms Instead of Timers I regularly use timers on the Apple Watch to remind myself about cooking times, ensure I don’t miss a meeting (see “A Call to Alarms: Why We Need Persistent Calendar...

Solve Myopia in a Pinch with an iPhone

MacTalkJuly 2023ADAM ENGST 21 June 202311 comments Solve Myopia in a Pinch with an iPhone The discussion of how Apple’s Vision Pro puts a little screen in front of each eye reminded me of a neat discovery I made a while ago: if you’re near-sighted, you can use an...

The best Apple headphones for travelers

MacTalkJuly 2023The best Apple headphones for travelers Charles Martin | Jun 26, 2023 There's no need to put up with a noisy travel environment. Apple headphones and products from its Beats subsidiary are great products that help the miles roll by in comfort, and...